Football fan involved in New Year’s Day fight failed to show up to unpaid work sessions

A football fan who was given unpaid work after getting involved in a fight between other supporters found himself back in court after failing to show up to complete his punishment.

John Ellis, 22, of Turbus Road in North Lynn, admitted to the offence of failing to comply with the requirements of a community order at the town’s magistrates’ court on Thursday.

Ellis had missed a total of three of his unpaid work sessions which he was given for an offence of using threatening or abusive words to cause fear or provoke violence when in the same court on February 23.

Magistrates Court house on College Lane in King's Lynn
Magistrates Court house on College Lane in King’s Lynn

It followed a fight between 17 King’s Lynn Town and Boston United fans at a match held at the Walks Stadium on New Year’s Day.

John O’Grady from the probation service explained to the magistrates that Ellis had been struggling with his mental health when he had missed the unpaid work sessions and said that “his head wasn’t in the right place”.

Mr O’Grady also said that Ellis is a father of two young children.

Mitigating for himself, Ellis said: “The first time it happened, I was one minute late.

“The other two times it happened I wasn’t in the right place with my mental health, that’s why I’ve pleaded guilty.”

Magistrates decided to let the community order run and fine Ellis £50 for the offence.

The chair leading the magistrates said: “You’ve got two children that you need to be a role model for.

“I don’t want to see you back here.”