Family mediation set to rise with school holiday divorces

A Lynn-based solicitors firm has warned of the negative effects that the school summer holidays have on couples.

Sarah Fairbrother, director of Ward Gethin Archer, has said that family experts in West Norfolk are preparing for an increase in demand from separating parents when the school summer holidays come to an end.

She says the “picture postcard” image of happy summer family holidays doesn’t ring true for many.

Sarah Fairbrother, director of Ward Gethin Archer
Sarah Fairbrother, director of Ward Gethin Archer

Sarah said: “The pressures of the six-week school vacation often mean a rise in the number of couples calling time on their relationship.

“Sadly, the time that unhappy couples spend together in the summer can deepen long-standing cracks.

“Experience shows us that the end of a summer holiday can lead to one or both partners taking a long, deep breath and confirming what they’ve suspected for a long time: their relationship is over.”

Sarah said those who have made the decision to separate can feel daunted and don’t know where to turn.

She added: “When you separate or divorce, there are so many challenging questions, ranging from ‘Where will the children live?’ to ‘Who gets the family dog?’”

It’s been said that family mediators can help people as they come to terms with the scale of the arrangements that need to be made.

“Family mediation is a process that helps ex-partners agree on what will work for them as they look to make parenting, property, and finance arrangements. As the expert Mediator at WGA I am prepared to help guide you through, helping you feel in control of the process,” Sarah said.

“An independent, professionally trained mediator can help you work things out, avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay and cost it can bring.

“Professional mediators help empower you to create long-term solutions for your particular circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions for your family.”

The Government’s Family Mediation Voucher Scheme provides up to £500 to help separating couples make settlements using family mediation.

Anyone wanting to know more about the benefits of family mediation can visit Ward Gethin Archer or call 01553 660033.