Evening events put on for young town workers

Young people working in Lynn were invited to an event especially aimed at bringing the next generation together.

It was organised by King’s Lynn BID (Business Improvement District) and aims to give people aged between 18 and 30 working in the town the opportunity to make friends and have a bit of fun.

The first event was held at Pizza Slice Guy on Thursday, July 27 where more than 30 young people enjoyed fresh pizza along with a competitive game of bean bag throwing.

A competitive game of beanbag throwing took place
A competitive game of beanbag throwing took place

Lynn’s BID manager Vicky Etheridge explained that the event was set up to encourage younger people to stay and invest in a career in Lynn.

As part of Lynn’s Town Investment Plan, a survey among young people in town was carried out.

Vicky said: “One of the most striking results was a sense of disconnection from the town, a feeling that the town wasn’t relevant to them.

“We decided that our first task was to try and connect with younger people who work in the Town, to bring them together to connect with one another and start to make their own social and professional networks and connections.

“It then gives us, the BID an opportunity to talk to younger workers about the Town Deal and about projects that we, the BID, are running in the Town and see how, and if, people would like to get involved.

Elise Rose from Fraser Dawbarns taking part in a game of bean bag throwing
Elise Rose from Fraser Dawbarns taking part in a game of bean bag throwing

More events are being planned for the future in Lynn’s town centre and anybody who works in Lynn aged between 18-30 is welcome to join.

Vicky added: “I feel very strongly about giving young people a voice, and encouraging them to get involved in decisions and actions to shape the Town and their careers.

“Our first social event was brilliant. The atmosphere was buzzing, people made new connections and went away feeling good.”

For more information or to sign up to hear about future events, email Vicky at vicky@discoverkingslynn.com

Lynn News Reporter Lucy Carter went along and this is what she thought…

The first event was held at Pizza Slice Guy in Lynn
The first event was held at Pizza Slice Guy in Lynn

Sometimes it can be a bit daunting going to an event not really knowing anybody there, but this wasn’t the case at all.

As a 22-year-old working in Lynn, it was really nice to get to know some people who are also working in town. Some of which were familiar faces.

We were put into teams of four for the game but first had the opportunity to chat over pizza and beers which was great.

There was a relaxed atmosphere and it was a great opportunity to meet like-minded people.