Elaine, 101, is VIP as she opens up fair

The oldest member of a West Norfolk church community became a VIP when she officially opened its fundraising Spring Fair.

For 101-year-old Elaine Price-Jones, Saturday’s event proved to be a trip down memory lane when she was able to chat to people she hadn’t seen for many years.

Mrs Price-Jones, wearing one of her trademark elegant outfits, performed the opening of St Faith’s Anglican and Methodist Church Spring Fair in the Church Rooms. She was welcomed to the event by St Faith’s Rector, the Rev Kyla Sorensen and Methodist minister, the Rev Robert Roberts.

Opening of St Faith's Spring Fair at Gaywood Church Rooms with Elaine Price-Jones, centre
Opening of St Faith’s Spring Fair at Gaywood Church Rooms with Elaine Price-Jones, centre

Mrs Price-Jones, who was accompanied by her daughter-in-law Pat Jones, cut a green ribbon and said she was really pleased to be there.

“I spoke to people I hadn’t spoken to for years so it was lovely,” she said.

Age appeared to be no barrier to her and, with support from her walking frame, she toured the stalls and chatted to visitors.

She recalled that nearly 50 years ago she was among the Gaywood Methodist members who gave up their chapel in Gayton to join together with the Anglicans in St Faith’s Church.

In those days it was a pioneering Local Ecumenical Project (LEP) and over the decades since, the partnership of shared worship and mission has developed and flourished. Plans are being made to celebrate the 50th anniversary next year.

Over the years Mrs Price-Jones, together with her late husband Vernon, were heavily involved in the coming together of the two church communities.

She was also instrumental in the organisation of the Forget-Me-Knot lunch club for the elderly, founded by the late Connie Kenyon. Mrs Price-Jones’ roles included washing up, club treasurer and organising the transport rota.

The group, which meets every Wednesday in Gaywood Church Rooms, will mark its 56th birthday next week.

More new members are always welcome to the club, which offers a hot two-course meal for £7.50 and is run by volunteers. More details are available by contacting St Faith’s church office.

Saturday’s fair, which attracted a large number of family groups, who enjoyed browsing its variety of stalls and games, raised £1,067.50.

All proceeds from the Spring Fair will go towards the cost of worship and mission at St Faith’s Church LEP and later in the year there will be Summer and Christmas Fairs.