Duo attempted to steal £70 worth of meat from supermarket

A duo appeared in court after being caught attempting to steal more than £70 worth of meat.

James Riley, 36, of Wisbech Road in South Lynn, and Sarah Wilson, 39, of no fixed address, both pleaded guilty to the offence at the town’s magistrates court on Thursday.

Prosecutor Katharine Kibrya-Dean said that on July 29, the pair were in Sainsbury’s on the Hardwick Industrial Estate and had selected a number of meat products, placed them in a bag and attempted to leave the store.

The pair stole meat from Sainsbury's on the Hardwick Industrial Estate. Picture: Google Maps
The pair stole meat from Sainsbury’s on the Hardwick Industrial Estate. Picture: Google Maps

However, they were stopped in their tracks as security staff spotted them and the items were recovered which were valued at £71.82.

Wilson has a total of 13 previous convictions and Riley has 41 previous convictions.

Mitigating for Riley, Ruth Johnson said: “He’s not been in the best place financially, he’s working with the probation service and is engaging.”

Wilson, who was unrepresented, said: “I’m guilty, sorry, I will pay whatever.”

They were each fined £40 for the offence and will both pay a victim surcharge of £16 and court costs of £50.