Drink-driving motorcyclist sped through roundabout and ignored red light

A 24-year-old drink-driver sped around a busy town roundabout and ignored a red traffic light before being caught by police.

Jordan Hardman, of St Ann’s Court in Lynn, pleaded guilty to drink-driving when he appeared at the town’s magistrates’ court on Thursday, having committed the offence on October 10.

Crown prosecutor Holly Postle told the court that just after 6pm on that date, police spotted Hardman driving a hired motorbike around the Hardwick roundabout.

The Hardwick roundabout in Lynn, where Jordan Hardman was caught drink-driving
The Hardwick roundabout in Lynn, where Jordan Hardman was caught drink-driving

They felt his manner of driving showed he had “no regard for members of the public”, watching him travel through a red traffic light at the A10 exit.

Around ten vehicles had been lining up at that exit at the time.

Officers witnessed Hardman continue to drive at speed before exiting onto Hardwick Road on his Honda motorcycle. They eventually pulled him over, and upon removing his helmet they immediately noticed he had glazed eyes and a “flushed face”.

He was arrested and taken into custody, where evidential tests revealed he had 72mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath in his system. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg.

Hardman told the court that he only recently moved to West Norfolk from Cambridgeshire.

Magistrates, led by Ginny Hutton, proceeded to disqualify him from driving for 22 months.

He will also pay a £516 fine, £105 in court costs and a £206 victim surcharge.