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Dictionaries presented to school pupils

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Illustrated dictionaries have been presented to pupils at King’s Lynn’s Whitefriars Academy under a Rotary scheme.Dictionaries 4 Life has seen hundreds of the Usborne illustrated books presented to primary school children over the years from the town’s three Rotary clubs – Trinity, Priory and the Rotary Club of King’s Lynn.

Years 5 and 6 pupils hold their new dictionaries aloft.

The Rotary Club of King’s Lynn normally provides some 300 dictionaries to Year 5 children and recently 109 were given to Years 5 and 6 pupils at Whitefriars Academy by Michael Pellizzaro and Michael Walker on behalf of the club during a special assembly.When the scheme started some 10 years ago, dictionaries were given to Year 6 pupils but because the books have proved so useful, teachers suggested Year 5 would be better as the children would have them for two years before moving on to secondary schools.

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