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These are the planning applications submitted to our councils this week…WEST NORFOLKBurnham Market: 24/02067/LB, The Garden House, 24 Front Street, listed building with HH – Replacement of the existing timber windows with new timber windows.
Docking: 24/02068/F, Docking Church of England Primary School And Nursery, Well Street, The Trust would like to install two new Upvc emergency exits to help aid in the event of an evacuation, this process would see the removal of two old timber windows that are coming to the end of there lifecycle.Downham: 24/01977/F, 71 Howdale Road, Householder: To replace the existing, old, red concrete roof tiles, with new, black concrete roof tiles;24/02016/F, The Downham Market Club, 19 Paradise Road, Change of Use of a social club to pharmacy and ancillary units, including alterations to access arrangements;
24/02042/F, 70 London Road, householder application: Construction of single storey side and rear extension, following removal of existing extensions; 24/02063/F, Sparrows Nest, 130 London Road, Householder: Extension to dwelling;24/02088/LB, The Downham Market Club, 19 Paradise Road, listed building – Partial removal of and alterations to front boundary wall; 24/02065/LB, Martin The Newsagent, 10 Bridge Street, The installation of an automated teller machine through an existing aperture (Previous ATM installation);
16/01322/NMAM_3, Land S of Denver Hill N of Southern Bypass E of Nightingale Lane, non-material amendment to Planning Permission 16/01322/OM: Outline Application: up to 300 dwellings and associated infrastructure and access.Heacham: 24/02044/F, Westerly View, 60A North Beach, Householder: Proposed Extension and Alterations.Hillington: 24/02049/A, The Ffolkes Arms Hotel, Lynn Road, Replacement car park sign mounted at ground level to the east of the site access road. Sign to be 2no 1350mm x 1000mm in size in a V shape arrangement and made from Corten steel with cut out lettering, back lit in a warm white light to ensure visibility during nighttime hours. Hunstanton: 24/01875/F, 42 Westgate, variation of condition 2,3,4,6,7,10,11,12 of planning consent 23/00627/F : Change of use of ground floor from C3 Dwelling house into E(b) for the sale of food and drinks for consumption mostly on the premises, subdivision of upper floors to create two 1 bedroomed flat units with general alterations and renovation of dilapidated building.24/01997/F, 19 – 21 Church Street, variation of condition 2 of planning consent 20/00962/FM: Demolition of old print works and the construction of 18 flats with associated car parking.Lynn: 07/00649/NMAM_2, Colin Dawson Windows, John Kennedy Road, non material amendment to planning consent: 07/00649/FM: Construction of eleven town houses and two flats after demolition of old chapel showroom;24/02046/F, 17 Balmoral Road, Gaywood, Householder: Application for proposed single storey rear extension Northwold: 24/01757/F, Land At E575727 N295931, Thetford Road, Installation and operation of 214kW of ground-mounted solar to power the irrigation system associated with Pooly Farm;23/01276/NMA_1, Wellington Lodge Farm, Thetford Road, non-material amendment to planning consent 23/01276/f- removal of conditions 1, 8, 12 and variation of conditions 2, 7, 9, 10, 13, 18 of planning permission 16/01151/FM: Installation of an anaerobic digester (AD) plant and associated infrastructure.South Wootton: 24/02076/F, 8 Willow Road, Householder: Front extension and new porch.Walpole Cross Keys: 24/02064/F, 38 Little Holme Road, Householder: Erection of detached Garage to existing dwelling. Watlington: 24/02084/F, 10 Fairfield Lane, Householder: Demolition of existing single storey extensions and proposed new two storey extension.Wereham: 24/02033/PACU3, Barn At E568308 N301300, Stoke Road, notification for prior approval for change of use of agricultural barn to 4no. dwellings (Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q).West Walton: 24/01896/F, Plot N of The Bungalow, Bellamys Lane, variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 18/00509/F: Variation of condition 2 attached to 17/01434/F: Variation of conditions 2 and 3 of planning permission 16/00513/F to change design.Wormegay: 24/02062/F, Dene Lodge At Castle Dene, Castle Road, householder application: Extension and alterations to dwelling. SOUTH HOLLANDSutton Bridge: H18-0984-24, Sutton Bridge Power Station Centenary Way, change of use from agricultural land to solar farm and construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) development with capacity of up to 49.9mw with associated infrastructure and landscaping – approved under H18-1126-20. Amendment to remove an area which has been set aside to deliver biodiversity net gain.
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