County Council leader accepts plans for new hospital

The leader of Norfolk County Council has welcomed the news that a new Queen Elizabeth Hospital will be built in King’s Lynn.

It follows the announcement that the QEH would be added to the Government’s New Hospital Programme.

Cllr Kay Mason Billig, leader of Norfolk County Council, said: “The need for investment in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital has been clear for some time, and we’ve been in regular correspondence with ministers urging them to prioritise the replacement of the QEH.

Kay Mason Billig
Kay Mason Billig

“I welcome the announcement and the news that ministers have come to see the urgency of this issue.

“An acute hospital has far reaching benefits for the community it’s based in, not only for inpatients but for the wider health and social care services as well.

“We look forward to hearing more detail as the plans for investment in the hospital are drawn up, and will continue to work closely with our partners in the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership to ensure the best possible services are delivered for our residents.”