Charity helping vulnerable mothers supported by Rotary club

A Rotary club has shown its support to a charity which helps vulnerable mothers.

It came after a recent meeting of the Rotary Club of Lynn, where Baby Basics’ Maggie Anderson spoke about its work.

The charity was originally founded in Sheffield in 2009 but is now active in more than 50 parts of the country, including West Norfolk.

Rotary President, Mel Robson, Chairman of the community committee, Ian Mason, (holding a Moses basket which was to be taken to the QEH the following day), and Maggie Anderson from Baby Basics.
Rotary President, Mel Robson, Chairman of the community committee, Ian Mason, (holding a Moses basket which was to be taken to the QEH the following day), and Maggie Anderson from Baby Basics.

Since the local group was started in 2016, it has provided help to more than 1,000 mothers.

By the middle of August this year, more than 200 mothers had been referred for help.

A small group of volunteers meet once per week to provide vulnerable mothers with essential items for their newborn babies.

Teenage mothers, asylum seekers and women fleeing domestic violence are referred to the charity by midwives, health visitors and other professionals.

The volunteers assemble new and donated items such as nappies, wipes, blankets, towels and baby clothes which are placed in Moses baskets.

For some mothers, these are the only essentials that they have for their baby.

The Rotary club has donated £225 that was raised at a recent walk and lunch for the cause.

Anyone wishing to help by donating new or nearly new items can contact the local group at or by phoning 07708 173567.

For more information visit