Paranormal author releases third book and interactive website showing ghost sightings in area
An author captivated by paranormal experiences in and around the borough has launched an interactive website alongside his third book.
An author captivated by paranormal experiences in and around the borough has launched an interactive website alongside his third book.
An action-packed eco-themed fair will bring hours of activities and information for visitors this weekend.
Construction is officially beginning on the final phase of a development which will see another 96 homes built in Lynn.
A drama group is getting in the Halloween spirit with its latest production of a ‘goes wrong’ comedy.
Hospital staff are encouraging youngsters to interact and play as a major role in their care and development during their stay.
For the start of the school year, primary children are getting a free ‘Dictionary 4 Life’.
In our weekly Eat My Words feature, we visit an Indian restaurant in town.
Ambitious council plans to build a new 3G football pitch in Lynn have been withdrawn once again.
Small businesses will be offered their own trading space as part of a town centre revamp.