Ambitious vision for West Norfolk: Thriving towns, access to housing, and ‘happy people’
An ambitious vision to make West Norfolk a thriving place full of “happy healthy people” within 20 years has been endorsed.
An ambitious vision to make West Norfolk a thriving place full of “happy healthy people” within 20 years has been endorsed.
A 450-home development on the outskirts of town is almost complete and will be revealed to potential buyers next month.
There will be delays on the A47 while police carry out enquiries after a body was discovered last week.
Councillors have agreed to proceed with major plans which could see new swimming pools built in two key West Norfolk towns.
A member of a well known men’s group has been busy creating homes for hedgehogs.
A former student from Lynn has returned to her home patch to inspire a group of science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine students.
A man has been arrested in connection with two purse thefts in Lynn last week.
The revamp of St George’s Guildhall in Lynn is facing spiralling costs - adding millions of pounds to the bill.
A radio newsreader has turned her hand to songwriting as she releases a tune all about a busy main road in West Norfolk at Christmas.