Start-up company takes on the first unit at key town business park
A growing start-up has become the first to take one of four new business units built by West Norfolk Council on a town business park.
A growing start-up has become the first to take one of four new business units built by West Norfolk Council on a town business park.
A former medical centre could be transformed to help house a number of key services - including a food bank.
A permanent speed limit change has been implemented on a key stretch of road into Lynn.
Every place that serves food is given a hygiene rating up and down the country.
Girlguiding volunteers from across West Norfolk were thanked for years of volunteering by the Mayor.
In our weekly Memory Lane Schooldays feature we look back at Chinese New Year celebrations 28 years ago.
The construction timescale for a new supermarket on the outskirts of Lynn has been revealed.
A public meeting will be held this week on the topic of defending Palestine and the right to protest.
Town power crews featured on a popular BBC evening show in a West Norfolk location.