‘Extremely poor weather conditions’ delay progress on two major housing schemes
Two major housing developments being built in West Norfolk towns have been beset by months of problems caused by “extremely poor weather conditions”.
Two major housing developments being built in West Norfolk towns have been beset by months of problems caused by “extremely poor weather conditions”.
Greggs stores across the UK have been hit by technical issues preventing them from accepting payments, forcing some to close.
A spring fundraising fete with games, sweet treats and gifts saw dozens attend to support a church.
A councillor is calling on colleagues to maintain their opposition to the proposed mega incinerator planned for a neighbouring town.
A family-run garage in West Norfolk is celebrating as it has been serving customers for three decades.
Nine professionals went back to the floor to learn about rewarding work experience placements on offer at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
All buildings and grounds across Lynn’s hospital site are now completely smoke-free as smoking tobacco is banned.
Patients at Lynn’s hospital are now able to see their hospital referrals and appointments at the touch of a button via the new NHS app.
West Norfolk residents have been urged to make use of the weekly food waste collections as the borough council supports a national action week.