Cadet group is flying high while new members enrol at ceremony

A busy start to the month saw three air cadets get the chance to take part in their first gliding experience.

New cadets have also been enrolled at Lynn’s 42F Squadron’s young squad, and two others were rewarded in a ceremony that took place on Monday, April 3.

On Sunday, April 2, the three cadets travelled to RAF Syerston, near Newark, to experience gliding for the first time.

Gliding winch (63461453)
Gliding winch (63461453)
Flt Sgt Dowen gets strapped in (63461457)
Flt Sgt Dowen gets strapped in (63461457)

Cadet warrant officer Adam Sanderson, cadet flight sergeant Jorja Dowen and cadet Oakley Took were each given two winch-launched flights into the sky above Nottinghamshire.

And on Monday evening, the squadron’s base on Loke Road hosted parents and family members to witness three cadets’ enrolment.

The Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Padre Rev Ron Tuck enrolled Joshua Barnes, Cayleb Dewsburry and Eoghen Tice.

New recruits, from left, Barnes, Dewesburry and Tice (63461459)
New recruits, from left, Barnes, Dewesburry and Tice (63461459)
Rev Tuck enrolling cadets (63461455)
Rev Tuck enrolling cadets (63461455)

The trio recited the cadet promise to: “Solemnly promise on my honour to serve my unit loyally and to be faithful to my obligations as a member of the Air Training Corps.”

The evening continued with Ellin Seekings and Aver Brydon receiving their classification certificates for becoming First Class Cadets.

First Class Cdts with the Commanding Officer Flt Lt Pauline Petch (63461449)
First Class Cdts with the Commanding Officer Flt Lt Pauline Petch (63461449)
Rev Tuck presenting cadets with certificates (63461451)
Rev Tuck presenting cadets with certificates (63461451)

Flight Lieutenant Pauline Petch said: “This year has started well and many activities for the cadets are coming back on line after a difficult couple of years. We have much to look forward to and many opportunities for our cadets to seize.”