Burger bar faces potential closure after being told to move

The owners of a burger bar in Lynn’s town centre may have to give up their family business of 37 years after being told to leave the spot they have occupied for decades.

Chloe’s Burger Bar, near the old Argos building, has been told by West Norfolk Council that it has to vacate its spot on Baxter’s Plain by next April to make way for a planned Multi-User Community Hub on the old Argos .

The business has been in Lynn since the 1980s and owner Barry Finch has launched a petition after the council told him there is currently nowhere in town where they can relocate.

Barry Finch owns Chloe's Burger Bar in Lynn
Barry Finch owns Chloe’s Burger Bar in Lynn

Barry said: “If we do have to leave and can’t find another suitable spot, which the council say there isn’t, my business will be gone.

“I won’t be able to pay my bills or feed my three children.”

Barry Finch owns Chloe's Burger Bar in Lynn
Barry Finch owns Chloe’s Burger Bar in Lynn

Potential plans have also been revealed by West Norfolk Council to renovate the Baxters Plain area.

Since finding out the news last week, a petition has been launched to try to help save the burger bar.

“How can they just close a local business down and not relocate them?” Barry added.

A spokesperson from West Norfolk Council said: “With the consultation starting on Baxter’s Plain, we wanted to give Chloe’s Burger Van advance notice of the fact that they would need to seek an alternative location to trade.

“Building work on the Multi-User Community Hub looks set to commence around April next year, so the burger van would need to be relocated by then at the latest.

“We are keen to keep talking with the van operators so that we can work with them to help identify alternative locations for trading, even though we have nothing we can offer at this moment in time.”