Election row over VAT
A General Election row has broken out over near-identical Conservative and Labour commitments not to raise VAT..
A General Election row has broken out over near-identical Conservative and Labour commitments not to raise VAT..
A school governor who released his first book last year hasn’t put his pen down just yet as he launches his debut poetry collection.
A Parkinson’s fundraiser on a marathon cycling trek was greeted by local support group members when he stopped off at King’s Lynn this week.
An optician is warning young screen users to take a break during Eyesight Awareness Week
Vital funds that were raised by an ‘eggcellent’ Easter scavenger hunt were handed over to the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
The action was fast and furious during a huge weekend of stock car and banger racing at the Adrian Flux Arena.
West Norfolk Athletic Club members covered different areas of North Norfolk this week in search of some competitive distance running.
A couple of dozen Ryston Runners were in road mode last week, with several others hitting the lanes and trails around Gayton.
Downham Stow secured a hard-fought victory in the Norfolk Alliance Premier Division with many teams called off due to the inclement weather.