Blog masonry

National News

45 of people with concussion show brain injury symptoms six months later

Almost half of people with concussion still show symptoms of brain injury six months later, new research suggests. According to a new study, even mild concussion can cause long-lasting effects to the brain. Using data from a Europe-wide study, University of Cambridge scientists found that for 45% of people who receive a knock to the head, there are changes in how regions of the brain communicate with each other. This could potentially cause long-term symptoms such as fatigue and cognitiveRead More

today 5

Local News

Scotty’s Little Soldiers’ May Marathon challenge returns for seventh year running

Lynn-based charity Scotty Little Soldiers has announced the return of its annual running challenge, the May Marathon.Every year since 2017, the Bereaved Armed Force children’s charity has asked participants to sign up to complete the marathon distance of 26.2 miles over the course of May.That could mean walking, running, wheeling or absolutely anything else you can think of – any and all methods are welcome. The distance can be covered in as many trips as required; the only rule isRead More

today 18


Ryston’s Lesley completes tenth marathon

The big athletics event of last weekend, as far as the majority of the public are concerned, was the London Marathon, back in its customary spring position on the calendar after two years of Covid disruption.Ryston Runners AC had almost a dozen athletes making the start line, one of whom, Lesley Robins, was doing so for the tenth time.She marked the occasion by coming 50th in the F50 category, crossing the finish line in 3.21.46, for 6578th overall.This was aRead More

today 30