Heavenly songs, colourful classics and glorious melodies are all anticipated as Norfolk Symphony Orchestra brings its latest concert to West Norfolk.
A controversial revamp of decaying tower blocks and a community centre in the heart of a town has been given the go-ahead by councillors.
Teachers and students across West Norfolk have been celebrating World Book Day in their own unique ways.
The Princess of Wales apologised for editing a family photograph which was shared online and sent to the media on Mothers Day..
International picture agencies have withdrawn it over concerns its been digitally altered.
It won best picture, best actor and best director, among other prizes.
Theyll host their first show as permanent presenters later.
The NHS describe it as the silent killer, with 4.2 million people estimated to have it without knowing.
Esther Ghey has held an emotional meeting with the mother and uncle of Scarlett Jenkinson.