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Artist’s animals carvings create ‘lasting legacy’ and save village park’s old oak tree

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Carvings of a bear, squirrel and owl have helped to save an old oak tree at Wootton Park which needed to have some of its branches removed.Artist Caroline Kearvell completed the animal carvings to the tree on Tuesday of this week, after five non-consecutive days of work.It came after the team at Wootton Park Association, which looks after the park on behalf of North and South Wootton parish councils, contacted Caroline asking if she could help bring new life to the old tree.

Sculptor Caroline Kearvell with her work on the tree at Wootton Park

Will Border, chairman of the association, told the Lynn News: “It came about due to some branches having to be taken out of the oak tree – one broke off in a storm.“We do not like taking old established trees out of the park, so I had this idea of a tree carving, therefore saving the base and bottom branches of the tree.“We contacted Caroline Kearvell and she looked at the tree and guided us on how much of the branches to leave untouched for her to carve.”

The carvings to the oak tree at Wootton Park
Among the animal carvings are a bear, an owl, a mouse, a hare and a squirrel

The association decided it would be a good idea to have animals sculpted into the tree, due to its location being close to the toddler play area – with Caroline creating an owl, a mouse, a bear, a moon-gazing hare and a red squirrel. “I must admit, she has done a fabulous job,” Will added.“Caroline has said that she really enjoyed doing it, it was a pleasure to see so many people enjoy her work. She also received coffee and chocolates for her efforts by passers-by.” Will has thanked a number of people for their help in creating the new additions to Wootton Park.“We would like to thank Cllr Simon Ring for the funds from his councillor grant allowance to make this happen, for the committee of Wootton Park Association for allowing it to happen, M C Nurse Ltd for the use of the harris fencing free of charge, but most of all Caroline for her amazing artwork – a lasting legacy for Wootton Park and, being an oak tree, it will get better with age,” he said.

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