All-time favourites and new stars in this year’s pantomime

It’s not that time of year again, is it? Oh yes it is – as the stars of this year’s Lynn pantomime have been revealed.

Dick Whittington and his Cat will be coming to the Alive Corn Exchange this Christmas, and the cast members are excited to put on a show to remember from December 8 right up until New Year’s Eve.

This year will be the first that well-known dame Ian Marr will not be performing. Instead, he passed on his best wig and make-up to Alex Wadham.

The cast of Dick Whittington at Lynn's Alive Corn Exchange. Picture: Ian Burt
The cast of Dick Whittington at Lynn’s Alive Corn Exchange. Picture: Ian Burt

Alex has been in 10 pantomimes across the country, three of which were in the role of a dame. This will be his first performance in Lynn.

Alex said: “I’m happy to be here and for the opportunity. I want to bring something that Lynn will like.

“Ian has been working here for a long time and it’s always daunting to fill someone else’s shoes.

Scott Cripps as Idle Jack and Alex Wadham as the dame. Picture: Ian Burt
Scott Cripps as Idle Jack and Alex Wadham as the dame. Picture: Ian Burt

“The most important thing is to have a good time and make sure the audience does too.”

The cast picks up their scripts and starts rehearsals on November 24, leaving them just 10 days to rehearse the show together.

“It will be intense but fun. We will have it memorised and then get it on its feet,” said Alex.

Joining Alex is Laura Pigott playing the role of Dick Whittington.

Laura Pigott plays the role of Dick Whittington. Picture: Ian Burt
Laura Pigott plays the role of Dick Whittington. Picture: Ian Burt

Laura explained that she relates to her character on a different level, as she moved from the north down to London to make a career for herself.

“Dick Whittington was from Gloucester and made his way down to London to make a living. I’m a northern gal who came to London to go to drama school, my character is parallel to my life,” said Laura.

She aims to bring a different perspective to women in panto too.

Daisy Fitzgerald is hoping to bring some mischief into the play in her role as Dick Whittington’s trusty feline friend. Picture: Ian Burt
Daisy Fitzgerald is hoping to bring some mischief into the play in her role as Dick Whittington’s trusty feline friend. Picture: Ian Burt

Laura said: “I love to bring a strong independent woman to my role. Often princesses are idolised, but I want girls to see a strong woman in panto.

“There will be plenty of thigh slapping and lots of jokes. Daisy the cat will bring lots of acrobatics and I can’t wait to work with her.”

Daisy Fitzgerald is hoping to bring some mischief into the play in her role as Dick Whittington’s trusty feline friend.

The villain King Rat will be played by Andrew Piper. Picture: Ian Burt
The villain King Rat will be played by Andrew Piper. Picture: Ian Burt

Joining them as the villain King Rat is Andrew Piper, who has performed in many pantomimes and will be his second time playing King Rat.

Panto favourite Scott Cripps has been performing in Lynn for more than a decade and is excited to get performing with his fellow cast mates.

“It’s going really good fun, I’ve never done Dick Whittington before, I know nothing about it,” said Scott.

“We learn the whole thing in 10 days. I won’t get it until the end of the year.

“It will be creative and fun, we will learn how each other works, it’s very exciting.”
