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All Our Yesterdays: New Year good causes in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018

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In our weekly All Our Yesterdays column, we look back at good deeds down the years…January 2014: The charities committee of Methwold’s Iceni Academy chose the West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled as a cause it wanted to support after holding a successful Comic Relief day. Pictured at the Runcton Holme centre presenting a £500 cheque to yard manager Natalie Dade (left) are committee members Abbie Woodbine, Danica Soanes, Annie Bruce (head of the committee and deputy head girl) and Academy principal Gee Cook.

Cheque presentation to the Magpie Centre by pupils at the Iceni academy, from left: Natalie Dade (yard manager), Abbie Woodbine, Danica Soanes, Annie Bruce (deputy head girl and head of charities committee) and Gee Cook (principal)

January 2014: Middleton Hall Golf Club boosted the fight against cancer after a successful year of fundraising. The seniors’ captain Brian Clapham (front right) is pictured presenting a £650 cheque to Tom Bamford of Cancer Research UK. At the back are Jayne Taylor, Nigel Hawkins, Malcolm Doughty, Neil Williams and John Burdett.

Middleton Hall Golf Club 2013 captain Brian Clapham presents a cheque to Tom Bamford of Cancer Research UK, from left: Jayne Taylor, Nigel Hawkins, Malcolm Doughty, Neil Williams and John Burdett

January 2014: The Big C Centre in Lynn’s Norfolk Street, had a new therapy bed in place, providing care and support for those affected by cancer – thanks to a £250 donation from the Norfolk Farmers Masonic Lodge 8393. Pictured from left are the Lodge master Julian Cox and Lodge member Barry Manning, and the Big C trio of Rachel Francis, Brigita Vaigauskiene and Tonia King.

A therapy bed was purchased by The Big C Charity in King’s Lynn, with some of the money coming from a donation from the Norfolk Farmers Masonic Lodge 8393, from left: Julian Cox (master of the Norfolk Farmers Masonic Lodge 8393), Barry Manning (member), Rachel Francis (Big C), Brigita Vaigauskiene (Big C), Tonia King (Big C)

January 2013: The Purfleet Trust in Lynn heard it was to receive £106,277 from Homeless Link, a body for people who work with rough sleepers in England – and it was a timely boost amid freezing winter weather and a rise in the number of people sleeping rough in the town. Three of the service users are pictured with (standing from left), Jamie Lucas (Pathway helper), Angie Callaghan (Pathway centre manager) and Jaroslaw Uba, Pathway support worker.

The Purfleet Trust celebrates the grant with some of the service users.Standing, from left are Jamie Lucas (Pathway helper), Angie Callaghan (Pathway centre manager) and Jaroslaw Uba, Pathway support worker

January 2013: Lancaster members of the RAOB donated £2,500 to Scotty’s Little Soldiers, funded by Army widow Nicki Scott to help the children of those killed serving in the British armed forces. From left are Debbie Dack (Scotty’s events organiser), Walter Rogers (Provincial Grand Secretary, King’s Lynn and District), charity founder Nikki Scott, Keith Foster (Provincial Grand Primo, Lancaster), Tony Allen (Grand Primo of the Grand Lodge of England), and John Sloane, Provincial Grand Primo, King’s Lynn and District). In front are Kai and Brooke Scott.

SCotty’s Little Soldiers cheque presentation. Keith Foster, the provincial grand primo, presents the cheque. From left: Debbie Dack, events organiser, Walter Rogers, provincial grand secretary, charity founder Nikki Scott, Keith Foster, Tony Allen and John Sloane; Front – Kai and Brooke Scott

January 2013: The Hall family from St Germans donated £1,000 to Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital neonatal intensive care unit as thanks for the care given to their eight-month-old son George. The money was raised at a New Year’s Eve party held in the village. From left are Susie Hall holding George, William Hall holding seven-year-old Rebecca, Senior Sister Paula Bettinson with Staff Nurse Bernadette Lavender and Oliver Hall (9).

The Hall family gives £1,000 to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. From left: Susie Hall holds eight-month-old George, William Hall holds seven-year-old Rebecca, senior sister Paula Bettinson with staff nurse Bernadette Lavender and Oliver Hall (9)

January 2012: Staff at Lynn’s Sainsbury’s worked together to raise and donate a grand total of £1,000 for Children in Need. From left are Jane Blyth, Mat East, Louise Waters, Amanda McCalmont, Bob Colston and Jayne Dix.

Sainsbury’s cheque to Children In Need (from left): Jane Blyth, Mat East, Louise Waters, Amanda McCalmont, Bob Colston and Jayne Dix

January 2012: A hand-crafted double bed quilt, made by members of the Samphire Quilters was top prize in a raffle which raised £1,000 for Different Strokes. With the quilters are Borough Mayor and Mayoress Colin Sampson (fourth right) and Susan Sampson (fifth left).

Borough Mayor and Mayoress Colin and Susan Sampson with members of the Samphire Quilters and Different Strokes and the quilt raffled for Different Strokes

January 2013: Volunteering mentors who support young people when they leave care received civic recognition when they met Borough Mayor and Mayoress Geoffrey and Mary Wareham (centre) at a dinner arranged by the Break charity’s Moving On team; also pictured with volunteers are Break chief executive Chris Hoddy (far right) and Mentoring co-ordinator Amanda Brindle (left).

Borough Mayor and Mayoress Geoffrey and Mary Wareham with Break chief executive Chris Hoddy (far right) and mentoring coordinator Amanda Brindle (left)

January 2018: Sixth form students from Churchill Park Complex Needs School designed and created pottery poppy bowls which they sold and raise £375 which was donated to the Lynn branch of the Royal British Legion.

Cheque presentation from Churchill Park School to King’s Lynn branch of The Royal British Legion.

January 2013: Plans for a military experience centre of “A Bridge For Heroes” in the Forward Centre, Lynn’s Millfleet were making progress. Mike Taylor discusses plans in the main living history area with trustee Linda Mitchell (left) and Hollie Coote the fundraising co-ordinator. The charity had started the ambitious project after its future was saved thanks to grants and local fundraising.

Inside what is planned to become a military experience centre of ‘A Bridge For Heroes’ in the Forward Centre, Lynn’s Millfleet. Mike Taylor discussing plans in the main living history area with trustee Linda Mitchell (left) and Hollie Coote, the fundraising co-ordinator

January 2014: A cheque for £1,295 is presented to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital by Heacham couple Adrian (right) and Christine Wallace (centre) as a thank-you for the care given to their son Alan when he was born – 33 years earlier. Receiving the cheque is QEH fundraising executive Laurence Morlaas. The money was raised at a ladies’ night organised by the Philanthropic Lodge 107 of which Mr Wallace was master.

Master of the Philanthropic Lodge 107 Adrian Wallace and his wife Christine present a cheque for the QEH Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to QEH fundraising executive Laurence Morlaas, left

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