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All Our Yesterdays: January events and people in 2012, 2014 and 2018

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Here’s our weekly look back through the pages of the Lynn News…January 2014: The Queen paid an unofficial visit to open Thornham’s £640,000 village hall. She was given a tour of the modern building and spoke with residents who helped turn a five-year development plan into reality.

The Queen paid a private visit to view the new village hall at Thornham..

January 2014: Lynn Air Training Corps 42F Squadron welcomed ex-cadets to an anniversary to launch their 75th anniversary year. From left are cadet Danielle Whisker, cadet 1950-55 Michael Langwade, Flt Lt Pauline Petch, cadet 1939-42 Leslie Garner, cadet Joe Baxter, cadet Victoria Norwood, ex RAF 1934 Charles Stokes and cadet Owen Scott.

King’s Lynn Air Training Corps 42F Squadron held an open day at their HQ in Loke Road. From left: Cadet Danielle Whisker, Michael Langwade (cadet 1950-55), Ft Lt Pauline Petch, Leslie Garner (cadet 1939-42 when the corps was called the Air Defence Cadet Corps), Cadet Joe Baxter, Cadet Victoria Norwood, Charles Stokes (ex RAF 1934) and Cadet Owen Scott..

January 2014: Stalwart staff who had given a total of 550 years of work for West Norfolk Council were given a well-earned pat on the back during a long service awards ceremony at Lynn Town Hall. Borough Mayor Elizabeth Watson is pictured at the front with Mick Rayner, a gardener who was the longest serving recipient after notching up 40 years with the authority.

Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk long service awards. Borough Mayor Elizabeth Watson and Mick Rayner who has achieved 40 years service. Just behind are 30 years long service LtoR, Carole Davis, David Attew and Lesley Raby..

January 2014: This was the launch of the Nelson Academy at Downham, with the principal Louise Ward joined by David Pomfret the chief executive of the College of West Anglia Academy Trust. The Academy was a replacement for the former Clackclose Community primary school in the town.

Launch of the Nelson Academy – Principal Louise Ward with David Pomfret the chief executive of the College of West Anglia Academy Trust..

January 2014: Dozens of dog owners in the area went along to Lynn’s Whitefriars School to have their pets microchipped in a free session organised by the Dogs Trust. Lesley Bambridge, left, took advantage of the offer with her Lakeland terrier Archie and is pictured with campaign veterinary nurse Justine Gray.

Cllr Lesley Bambridge and her dog Archie with Dogs Trust campaign veterinary nurse Justine Gray..

January 2014: Representatives from the local Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities took part in a Holocaust memorial service at Lynn town hall, including Sohale Rahman who read the first chapter of the Quran.

Holocaust Memorial day King’s Lynn Town Hall.Sohale Rahman who read the first chapter of the Q’ran.

January 2014: It was hoped that bed blocking and winter pressures on Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital would be eased thanks to a new £628,000 nursing service. It meant that patients who were medically fit but still needed extra acute nursing support would be treated in their homes rather than remain in hospital. From left are some members of the virtual ward team: Mel Chidgey, Levy Danan, Juliet Taylor-Manice, Victoria Skingsley, Alison Pothecary, team leader Wanda Thompson, Mark Valmoria, Katie Long, Pam Girling and Ann Turner.

Some of the members of the new virtual ward team, who are helping to allievate bed blocking at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. LtoR – Mel Chidgey, Levy Danan, Juliet Taylor-Manice, Victoria Skingsley, Alison Pothecary, Team Lead Wanda Thompson, Mark Valmoria, Katie Long, Pam Girling and Ann Turner..

January 2012: Staff who were made redundant following the closure of Woolworths stepped up their fight for compensation including this group at Hunstanton, from left, Julia Fuller, Jess Fuller, Liam Cross, Lisa Belverstone, Katie Fuller, Katy Dumbleton and Christina Buck. After the company collapsed in 2009, workers in smaller stores such as Hunstanton were denied payouts given at other stores.

Archive Photograph from the files of the Lynn News, King’s Lynn.

January 2012: Pupils at Dersingham Infant and Nursery School take part in a SignHealth world record attempt for the most people signing and singing simultaneously.

Infant school pupils at Dersingham Infant and Nursery School take part in the ‘SignHealth’ world record attempt..www.lynnnews.co.uk/buyaphoto.

January 2018: This was the official launch for the 2018 Downham Games, a popular event on the town’s calendar. Pictured from left are town councillor Charlie Pyatt, Games organiser Frances Rayner, Games volunteer Julie McGee and Downham mayor Frank Daymond.

Downham Games 2018 launch, Downham Town Council offices. .Three Cheers for the Launch of the 2018 Downham Games.LtoR, Cllr Charlie Pyatt, Frances Rayner (Games Organiser), Julie Mc Gee (Games Volunteer), Cllr Frank Daymond (Downham Mayor)..

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