
A busy week for athletes

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A busy week of running for West Norfolk Athletic Club members started last Tuesday night at the Luminate 5k at Sandringham – a chance for runners to enjoy the popular seasonal attraction.The Sandringham estate is decorated with a myriad of different lights, creating a spectacular sight for locals and tourists.Despite some congestion issues and some safety concerns, the first Luminate 5k was a success, attracting nearly 2000 runners across two races on the night.WNAC had members braving the cold to enjoy the unique running event, with times reflecting the fact that everyone was enjoying the lights.Faith Turner ran 25:31 and was placed 36th overall and Daisy May was placed 65th overall, running a time of 27:28.Oliver Gayton joined the family for an enjoyable wander around in 42 minutes while Kerrie Page, competing in her last race as a WNAC member, ran 48:29 with friends enjoying the sights.WNAC wishes her all the best with her new running club. Helen and Mark Garrett enjoyed running the course together running 51:30 and 51:32 respectively. West Norfolk Athletic Club is built on a foundation of being supportive and friendly, whilst also trying to encourage athletes of all levels to excel and enjoy athletics.Without the committee members, coaches and helpers giving up their free time the club couldn’t function in its current capacity.As the weekend rolled in, as too did storm Bert, which saw the cancellation of some running events, most notably some local Parkruns and the Hereward relay on Sunday. Some races still went ahead on Sunday, meaning WNAC members had to battle not only distance but the elements too, with winds blowing up to 50mph on the day.In Norwich, two WNAC members took part in the Larkin Gowen Norwich half marathon. Dominic Marray Woods ran an impressive 1:24:54 on what was a challenging course and with very difficult weather conditions too.Robert Gosnell also battled storm Bert, completing the half marathon in a time of 1:47:50, once again showcasing Gosnell’s attitude of always taking on a challenge head-on. Ryan Towsey was also running a half marathon, at Silverstone however.With heavy rain added to the wind, on an open racing track, this also made for brutal conditions for running.However, Towsey came home with an impressive time of 1:37:43 and was placed 276th overall out of 1977.Away from Storm Bert, Steven Bolt ran the Benidorm half marathon, replacing wind and rain with a warmer climate and lots of hills.Bolt ran 2:12 for the half marathon, a pleasing outcome after battling injury.

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