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‘Like a bomb was going off’: Drink-driver crashed into wall on way to girlfriend’s

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A drink-driver who crashed into the wall of somebody’s home in the early hours of the morning exclaimed: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”Jose Da Rosa, 46, of Highfield Avenue in Swaffham, appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, where he admitted drink-driving.Prosecutor Anna Crayford told magistrates that at 3.30am on February 15, a member of the public living in Lynn woke up to the sound of a loud screech.

The crash happened on Austin Street in Lynn

They said it sounded “like a bomb was going off”.They discovered that Da Rosa had crashed his BMW into a wall outside the house, and the police were called.Da Rosa got out of the vehicle and said: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”. He was arrested and taken to Lynn’s Police Investigation Centre for further tests.A reading showed he had 77mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg. In mitigation, solicitor Tiffany Meredith said that Da Rosa was “extremely remorseful” for his actions and that the roads were icy at the time of his offence.She said: “He tells me he fully accepts committing the offence.“He had been out drinking with friends on Norfolk Street in Lynn. He has a girlfriend that lives about a mile away so he was going to drive to her’s. He could have just walked.” Ms Meredith said the damage was done to a “small brick wall”.Da Rosa was disqualified from driving for 40 months and fined £120.He will also pay a £48 victim surcharge and court costs of £85.

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