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Cameron, 21, gaining traction for his new film about orphan’s struggles

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A Lynn filmmaker is gaining popularity as his latest work has been featured in festivals and has been nominated for awards.Cameron Summers, 21, who once attended Lynn’s College of West Anglia, has released the short film titled ‘Bobby’, a dark tale about an orphan who dies by suicide in the hope of connecting with his parents.Cameron directed and produced the film, which is a spin-off of another in the works called ‘The Commonplace’ which centres around a self-help group for mythical creatures.

Lynn resident Cameron Summers, who has directed and produced Bobby

He is known in the area for his last short film, Our Last Summer, which was launched in 2021 and previewed in Lynn’s Alive Corn Exchange.Bobby has also been nominated for the ‘Short of The Month’ February Showcase.Cameron said: “The film is a blend of fictionalisation and some personal thoughts I was having at the time, being able to present these feelings in the form of a bedsheet ghost almost seemed like a perfect idea to create a short heartwarming story.

Bobby is directed and produced by Cameron Summers

“So far, Bobby has been received really well and I’d love to start developing a feature version of the script, I feel like there’s so much more to tell and explore.” Bobby, which runs for four minutes and 49 seconds, is available to watch on YouTube.[embedded content]For confidential support on an emotional issue, call Samaritans on 116 123 at any time.If you want to talk to someone confidentially, click here.

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