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Family row led to court appearance for teen who damaged two cars and racially abused mother’s partner

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A family row landed a teenager before the courts for criminal damage and racially aggravated use of threatening or abusive words.Nineteen-year-old Matthew Dexter, of Queen Mary Street, Gaywood, pleaded guilty to two charges of criminal damage to cars belonging to his mother’s partner, and also to the racially aggravated charge of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour likely to cause, alarm, or distress to him when he appeared before Lynn magistrates on Thursday.The court heard from prosecutor Asif Akram that the incident happened on May 26 this year in Lynn.

A family row landed a teenager before the courts for criminal damage and racially aggravated use of threatening or abusive words.

He said the victim is in a relationship with Dexter’s mother and he was at home when he heard Dexter fighting with his younger brother outside the house.He opened the door and managed to get the brother into the house – it was then that Dexter called him a “black c**t” and grabbed bathroom tiles that were in the garden and started to throw them at his Mercedes and Mitsubishi cars that were parked at the property.Damage was caused to the bodywork of both cars and quotes for the repairs were £2,665.44 for the Mitsubishi and £1,543.15 for the Mercedes. In an impact statement, the victim described the distress the incident had caused him. He said the damage to the cars, which has yet to be repaired, was a daily reminder of what had happened.He said Dexter had shown no empathy and had not apologised. George Sorrell, mitigating, said his client could not remember making the racist comment, but accepted he may have said it in the heat of the moment. It was not the sort of person he normally was.He said the argument between the brothers was the sort of thing that happened between all brothers.Mr Sorrell said it was a family matter and Dexter had taken exception to his mother’s boyfriend getting involved. “He lost self-control and became even more angry. I can’t tell you what was in his mind but he completely lost control throwing tiles around. He admits using the one term of black followed by the swear word and it’s the black bit that gets him into particular trouble,” said Mr Sorrell.He continued: “It was totally against his character and he can’t really remember using it, but in this circumstance, he is not in a good position to argue whether or not he said it. The gentleman in question heard it and he accepts that.”Mr Sorrell added: “It was a single word, it wasn’t a prolonged exchange of abuse, but he accepts you can’t go around calling people these sorts of names, it is unnecessary.”For the racially aggravated offence, Dexter was given a 12-month conditional discharge.For the criminal damage, magistrates punished Dexter by way of compensation and ordered him to pay £1,300 for the Mitsubishi and £750 for the Mercedes. Dexter must also pay £85 costs and £26 victim surcharge.

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