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Man caught with 134 indecent videos of children avoids jail

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A man caught with 134 indecent videos of children – more than half of them in the worst category – has been given a suspended prison sentence.Christopher Eke, 26, of Wootton Road, Lynn, had previously pleaded guilty to three offences of making indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children between January 1, 2018, and October 7, 2021, when he appeared before the town’s magistrates on August 1 this year.The offences were that he had made 69 category A videos and one category A of a child; that he made 39 category B videos of a child, and he made 26 category C videos and three category C photos of a child.

A man caught with 134 indecent videos of children – more than half of them the worst category – has been given a suspended prison sentence. Picture: iStock

At that time magistrates ordered a pre-sentence report and on Thursday Eke returned to hear his fate.Asif Akram, prosecuting, told the court that Norfolk Police had received information from Google about a particular email account that had been uploading indecent images of children and enquiries led to Eke’s address he shares with his mum.Police visited the address and took a number of electronic devices for analysis, which revealed the images and videos. Alison Muir, mitigating, said the offences dated back some time and since then there had been no new offending, and he had never been in trouble before.She said he had the support of his family and friends and had already been working with the Public Protection unit. Ms Muir said it had “taken some guts” to admit what he had done to his family and he was rightly embarrassed.He had sought help and now understood the long-term harm viewing such images had on the subjects involved, she added.Magistrates imposed a six-month prison sentence suspended for 12 months with 20 rehabilitation days and a 12-month mental health treatment order. Eke will be on the sex offenders register for seven years and was made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for seven years also.He was ordered to pay £40 costs and £154 victim surcharge. Magistrates ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the electronic devices involved which included an iPhone, iPad, laptop and computer tower.

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