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King’s Speech sets out plan to ‘get Britain building’

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King’s Speech sets out plan to ‘get Britain building’

Sir Keir Starmer set out plans to tear up planning red tape, reform the economy and restore trust in politics in a sweeping set of changes in the Labour Government’s first King’s Speech.

The Prime Minister vowed to “fix the foundations of this nation for the long-term” with a programme containing 40 proposed pieces of legislation.

Sir Keir said change will not happen overnight but his plan would “unlock growth and take the brakes off Britain”.

After a divisive election campaign, Sir Keir said “the fight for trust is the battle that defines our political era” and only delivering real change can “begin to restore people’s faith that politics can be a force for good”.

In his introduction to the Government’s programme, he said: “Rebuilding our country will not happen overnight. The challenges we face require determined, patient work and serious solutions, rather than the temptation of the easy answer.

“The snake oil charm of populism may sound seductive, but it drives us into the dead end of further division and greater disappointment.”

The speech, delivered in the House of Lords by the King with all the traditional pomp and pageantry, includes many of the policies championed in Labour’s manifesto.

Charles told the gathered peers and MPs the Government’s programme would be “based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all”, adding that his ministers would “get Britain building”.

The Planning and Infrastructure Bill will reform the system to help meet the goal of building 1.5 million more homes over the course of the Parliament, deciding “how, not if” properties are built.

It will also mean landowners forced to sell up to make way for new developments will be paid a “fair but not excessive” price where important infrastructure or social housing is being built.

It is one of 15 bills or draft bills under the broad heading of “economic stability and growth”, the key focus of the Starmer administration’s first session.

Other measures in the programme include:

– Establishing state-owned energy production firm Great British Energy with £8.3 billion of public money across the Parliament.

– Creating a £7.3 billion national wealth fund to invest in schemes to generate economic growth and clean energy.

– A new package of workers’ rights, banning “exploitative” zero-hour contracts and giving day one rights on flexible working, parental leave, sick pay and protection from unfair dismissal.

– A law to put water companies into “special measures” to clean up rivers, lakes and seas, with bosses facing personal criminal liability for lawbreaking and a beefed-up regulator having the power to ban bonus payments if environmental standards are not met.

– A Bill to create a new Border Security Command and putting stronger penalties in place for migrant smuggling gangs as part of the effort to curb crossing of the English Channel.

– Measures to end no-fault evictions and give greater protections to people renting their homes.

– Plans to end the “outdated and indefensible” presence of hereditary peers in the House of Lords.

– Confirmation of plans to impose VAT on private school fees to fund new teachers in state classrooms.

Setting out the key aims of his plan, Sir Keir said: “We will reform the planning rules to build the homes and infrastructure the country desperately needs.

“We will level up workers’ rights, so every person has security, respect and dignity at work; we will create a new industrial strategy and invest in cleaner, cheaper British energy; and we will harness the power of artificial intelligence as we look to strengthen safety frameworks.”

Despite the Government’s focus on speeding through planning decisions on major infrastructure and housing schemes, he promised to “push power out of Westminster”.

Local leaders will be given powers to take control of bus services and trains will be brought under public ownership.

The King’s Speech also confirms the return of measures which were first introduced under the Conservatives – plans to phase out smoking and the creation of an independent football regulator.

Sir Keir said: “This is an agenda focused entirely on delivering security, opportunity, prosperity and justice for every person across the country.

“We will unlock growth and take the brakes off Britain, turning the page for good on the economic irresponsibility and pervasive inability to face the future that we saw under the Conservative government.

“This King’s Speech returns politics to serious government, returns government to service, and returns service to the interests of working people.”

Published: by Radio NewsHub

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