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31-year-old was told to leave town after being found in ‘drunken state’, but returned anyway

today 33

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A 31-year-old who was found in a “drunken state” by police and told to leave the area still returned.Daniel Owen was told to leave Norfolk Street in Lynn by officers and to return to his hotel room located about 20 minutes away.However, police received another call at 3.27am to reports of a drunk Owen on Oldsunway in town.

Owen was asked to leave Lynn while on Norfolk Street. Picture: Google Maps

Officers arrested him for failing to comply with the Section 35 order which excluded him from the area.Owen, of Brampton Gardens in Newcastle Upon Tyne, appeared unrepresented in court and said that he was working in Lynn at the time of the offence. “I have a drink problem, it does get the better of me,” he said.“I hold my hands up to it and I’m sorry for it.”For the offence, he was fined £80 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £32 and court costs of £85.Proceeding justice John Hare said: “Watch your drink intake, it seems to be costing you quite a bit.”

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