21-year-old let friend drive her car without insurance – and tried to swap seats when police arrived

After being caught by police, a 21-year-old attempted to swap seats with her friend having let her drive her car without insurance.

Bethany Pemberton, of Avon Road in South Wootton, appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday charged with permitting the use of a car without insurance.

She pleaded guilty to the offence, which she committed on September 10.

Bethany Pemberton appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday
Bethany Pemberton appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday

Crown prosecutor Holly Postle told magistrates that on that date, not long after midnight, police signalled for Pemberton’s car – a Nissan Juke – to pull over.

After a brief period of failing to stop, the car did come to a halt on John Street in Lynn. When it did, officers witnessed the driver and passenger make an attempt to swap seats.

It transpired that Pemberton had allowed her friend to drive her car without insurance, although she was compliant with a subsequent roadside interview. She accepted there was no event, such as a medical emergency, which would have required her friend to drive.

Appearing in court unrepresented, Pemberton – who until this point had held a full clean driving licence – said: “We were driving and she wanted to drive my car, so obviously I thought she was covered.

“So I let her drive it, as obviously she is my mate.”

Magistrates, led by Paul Redhead, handed the defendant six penalty points. She will also pay a £123 fine, £105 in legal costs and a £49 victim surcharge.